Friday, January 27, 2012

Circumcision. Speaking out.

The fact of the matter is that no national medical organization in the world recommends routine circumcision of male infants.  

The American Academy of Pediatrics advises against infant genital cutting outside of immediate medical necessity.  (Your pediatrician most likely belongs to the AAP)

Did you ever wonder why?  Since I get a lot of flack from my opinions, I will present scientific evidence.  

Some facts to chew on:

  1. Worldwide prevalence: Over 80% of the world's males are intact. Most circumcised males are Muslims. No national medical organization in the world recommends routine circumcision of male infants. (See Circumcision Policies in English-Speaking Countries.)
  2. Pain: According to a comprehensive study, newborn responses to pain are "similar to but greater than those observed in adult subjects." Circumcision is extremely painful and traumatic. Some infants do not cry because they go into traumatic shock from the overwhelming pain of the surgery. No experimental anesthetic has been found to be safe and effective in preventing circumcision pain in infants. (See Infant Responses to Circumcision.)
  3. Behavioral response: Various studies have found that short-term effects of circumcision include changed sleep patterns, activity level, and mother-infant interaction, more irritability, and disruptions in feeding and bonding. Long-term effects have not been studied. Changes in pain response have been demonstrated at six months of age. (See Infant Responses to Circumcision.)
  4. Circumcision risks: The rate of complications occurring in the hospital and during the first year has been documented as high as 38% and includes hemorrhage, infection, surgical injury, and in rare cases, death.
  5. Cleanliness: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says that "there is little evidence to affirm the association between circumcision status and optimal penile hygiene." "The uncircumcised penis is easy to keep clean. . . . Caring for your son's uncircumcised penis requires no special action. . . . Foreskin retraction should never be forced."
  6. Sexually transmitted diseases: According to the AAP, "Evidence regarding the relationship of circumcision to sexually transmitted diseases in general is complex and conflicting. . . . Behavioral factors appear to be far more important risk factors." (See Explaining Claims of Medical Benefits.)
  7. Matching friends: The 2009 national circumcision rate is 32.5%, less than 25% in some states. Though past circumcision rates were higher, there is no documented emotional harm to intact boys. To the contrary, there are growing reports from men who have disliked being circumcised since they were boys, even though they were in the majority. (See Circumcision to Look Like Others.)
  8. Adult circumcision: The medical need for circumcision in adults is as low as 6 in 100,000. Adults, unlike infants, receive anesthetics. (See Men Circumcised as Adults.)
  9. Foreskin function and size: The foreskin protects the head of the penis, enhances sexual pleasure, and facilitates intercourse. Men circumcised as adults report a significant loss of sensitivity. Men who have restored their foreskin report much increased sensitivity and sexual pleasure. The foreskin on the average adult male is about 12 of highly erogenous tissue. (See Functions of the Foreskin.)
  10. Jewish circumcision: A growing number of American Jews are not circumcising their sons. Circumcision among Jews in Europe, South America, and Israel also is not universal. (See Jewish Circumcision Resource Center)
  11. American origin: Routine infant circumcision started in the U.S. in the 1870s when it was promoted as a preventive cure for masturbation.
  12. Male attitude: Male satisfaction with circumcision depends on lack of knowledge about circumcision. The more men know, the more likely they are to be dissatisfied. They wish they had a choice. (See Why Most Circumcised Men Seem SatisfiedPsychological Impact of Circumcision on Men, and Discovering Circumcision Feelings.)
  13. Professional Protest: Some aware doctors and nurses refuse to perform or assist with circumcisions because of ethical considerations. (See Circumcision, Ethics, and Medicine


Sexual effects:  (by removing the foreskin, you are partially crippling a part of the body. It is a relevant part and has a purpose, it's not just a 'piece of skin')

1.The foreskin represents at least a third of the penile skin. It protects the glans from abrasion and contact with clothes. The foreskin also increases sexual pleasure by sliding up and down on the shaft, stimulating the glans by alternately covering and exposing it. This can occur during masturbation or intercourse. Friction is minimized, and supplementary lubrication is not needed. Without the foreskin, the glans skin, which is normally moist mucous membrane, becomes dry and thickens considerably in response to continued exposure. This change reduces its sensitivity. In addition, the loss of a secretion called smegma of the inner foreskin layer removes natural lubrication. Oral-genital sexual activity is more common in the United States than in many other societies. Could the lack of natural lubrication of the penis due to circumcision be a reason?


Q: What if he doesn't look like his father?  

A:  You child is his own person and he will never look exactly like his father, penis included. So why does it matter?  Vanity. 

Statement:  Circumcision prevents HIV/AIDS.

Rebuttal:  In the United States, we have a circumcision rate of about 50% (with an adult rate around 70%).  Our HIV/AIDS rate is .033%.  In Europe, the circumcision rate is 10% or less.  Their HIV/AIDS rate is no higher than .012% and as low as .003% in some areas.  Clearly, circumcision dos not aid in the prevention of HIV/AIDS contraction.  Condoms, however, are proven to be very effective in preventing most sexually transmitted infections. 


Q: What if he gets an infection? 

A:  In the unlikely event that your intact child would get an infection, it can be cared for like any other infection of the body.  Would you remove your child's kidney 'just in case' he were to get an infection?  

Q:  Isn't it cleaner?

A: No.  It is the same to take care of a child's intact penis as the foreskin is still attached until your child is older.(sort of like a fingernail is attached to your finger) After the foreskin retracts, it is about 3 extra seconds in the shower to pull it back and wipe.  Girls are, in fact, much harder to clean but female circumcision was made illegal in the 1990's.

Give your child the choice.  
It is not a family decision because it is not a family penis

Ask yourself.  Are you willing to put your infant through a surgery that he does not need, that has no actual purpose?

Support your sons right to be circumcised, but also support his right NOT to be.
This can only happen if you leave it up to him. 

Statement:  I knew a man that was older when he got it done and it was horrible.  I'd rather do it now.

Rebuttal:  Why is circumcision horrible for a grown man making an informed choice and not for a helpless infant?  There is no logic in that.  Circumcision is more humanely performed on an adult male.  They are put under general anesthesia and given pain medication after the procedure. 

Statement:  He won't remember it. 

Rebuttal:   Would it be okay to rape someone if you give him/her a roofie? He/She wouldn't remember it.... 


Put this video on mute to avoid the helpless cries of a chid being mutilated being burned into your brain.
If you can't watch, you should not have the right to do this to your baby. Period.

Some of the information in this article was found here:  
(a must watch)

Just from writing this, I am sobbing and my breasts are leaking.  

Do not ignore your maternal instinct.  

Save your sons.  

From me:
I regret cutting my son.

I regret it because my instinct screamed at me when he went back to have it done and not even 24 hours old. It said NO! It told me to get out of bed and run after him. I didn't.

I regret it every time I think about how they strapped my baby's arms and legs down and cut his body without his consent for no reason at all.

I regret that I have no idea whether or not he had pain medication.

I regret it every time I think about a bloody diaper change.

I regret it every time I remember how much it hurt my tiny child birthing skin stretches when I urinated... and my son had an open gaping would that was peed/pooped on 24/7.

I regret it because he is almost 5 years old and he has such bad adhesions that his skin still bleeds when he gets an erection.

I regret it because I removed a functioning part of my baby, who was born perfect, against his consent because I was too ignorant to make a second thought.

I regret taking a basic human right away from my baby. 


Thursday, January 12, 2012

What is beautiful to you?

What is beautiful to you?  

What is beautiful to me...

The smell of a newborn, freshly earthside
Tiny purple fingernails
Little froggy legs that need 1 million and 1 kisses
The little whorl on the top of my baby's head
The tiniest snore
The snort before the latch
A two-bottom-teeth smile
That moment when your face becomes a teething toy
An 'I wuv you mama'
The giggle after the toot
An 'Uh, Ohhhh'
and a backwards wave goodbye

But would you like to know what is more beautiful than all of that?  The women that made it all happen.  The bodies that grew those froggie legs.  Skin that endured the tiny kicks that eventually evolved to big ones.  The souls mothers that love and love and love some more but somehow cannot love the marks that they worked so hard to get.  Well I think you're beautiful.

What is a real woman?  What is a perfect one?  There is no such thing.  We are all real and we are none perfect.  We bear the same scars but we are not the same.  We bear the same scars and so wear the same beauty.  That beauty is unconditional love. 

Hate leaves ugly scars, love leaves beautiful ones.
                                                            Mignon McLaughlin


Thank you to all of the BEAUTIFUL ladies that donated their photos!  I cannot tell you all how much I love you all.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The fertility gods have rained down...

....on AMANDA!

So proud to announce that Amanda and her family will be expecting baby #3 some time in mid August! 

Here is the newest addition to our big crunchy family.... 
(isn't he cute? I think he looks like a little shark.  Hi there little sharky!)

Congrats to Amanda and her family... and a big fat, I TOLD YOU SO!  :) 

(Stay tuned for updates on the pregnancy and eventually birth of baby sharky!)